Summer school for children

Children are highly responsive to teaching and generally find learning easy. As parents, we often look for ways our children can spend both quality and enjoyable free time. Relaxation and meditation for children are becoming more and more popular. At Karnion, children can learn meditation and mindfulness using the Karnion Superlearning method of language learning.

We warmly invite you and your child to personally experience the method and its benefits in a free lesson and then make an informed decision. Places are limited.

The Karnion method uses a pleasant yellow light that heals and soothes, like the sun. Children relax while listening to pleasant baroque music, which further boosts their personal potential, while simultaneously listening to a foreign language.

In the next lesson, they actively speak with a teacher about the contents they listened to. The most important thing when teaching children is to awaken in them the joy of language learning which will encourage them to speak. Consequently, they gain self-confidence not only in their ability to speak a foreign language but also in other areas of their lives.

Karnion poletna šola


Parents bring their children to the summer school at 8 o’clock in the morning. We offer individual lessons and lessons in pairs or groups of three. Lessons with more than one participant are conditional on there being enough candidates for each level.

Children have language lessons between 8.00 and 11.00 o’clock, after which they can participate in other activities and have a rest. Lessons start again at 2.15 and last until 5.15 p.m. Your child will be in safe hands until you finish with your work obligations.


9- to 12-year olds


11.30 lunch break

12.15 – 12.45 walk



12- to 15-year olds


11.30 lunch break

12.15 – 12.45 walk

1.00 -1.45 MEDITATION LESSONS AND REST (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

Monday: 1.00 -2.00 Workshop: How to improve your learning skills

Wednesday: 1.00 – 1.45 Workshop: How to become a responsible person (Dialogics)


The Karnion summer school for children is much more than conventional learning. The following statement of a mother clearly confirms this.

I would like to thank you for helping my son Dani to develop his speaking skills. Dani suffers from a mild mental disorder and previously struggled to say a complete sentence without learning it in advance for oral tests. We have noticed that since he started attending lessons at Karnion, his Slovenian speaking skills have also improved. At school, his English grade has improved by a whole grade.

This year is the first time he has been able to talk in complete sentences and express his feelings and thoughts at home. He tells us that he is well-liked and supported by his fellow classmates. Given the extensive learning materials in seventh grade, we have decided to focus on Dani’s strengths. He’s very fond of crafts.

Dani is becoming more and more independent. This year he has started studying without needing any external encouragement, and his grades are now a reflection of his own effort.

I would like to thank you for organising the learning process in a way that is informative, logical and useful.
Dani was the reason I came across your organisation. I had almost given up because I couldn’t help him anymore. Then I came across your page on the Internet. Peter Prevc also impressed me in the advert. If it helped him, it would help us too. My other two children, Toni and Teja, now also have better grades in English, thanks to your help. My sincerest thanks go to their teacher Darija, who has put so much effort into helping us.” (Martina)

The candidates are assessed before the course in order to place them into a suitable group, according to their language level.

Summer school will take place every week between July 24 and August 27.

The above prices apply on condition that there are enough candidates for individual levels (A1 – B2).

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