» I am completely satisfied with Karnion’s programmes, they are of high quality and yield concrete results in practice. If I had come across Dialogisc sooner, it would have been easier and faster for me to become a better leader.«
Zdravko Počivalšek, current Minister of the Economy, former manager of Terme Olimia and Slovenian manager of the year 2010.
In the 10 years of his leadership, the income increased threefold, added value which is 43,000 EUR per employee, significantly exceeded the industry average.
The purpose of the academy is to provide the participants with expert knowledge on management and self-management, the development of holistic personal excellence and healthy responsibility. There are four major sources of knowledge, the four most renowned schools of management, self-management and motivation leading to overall success:
- Gestalt
- Reality therapy
- Behavioural therapy
- Transactional analysis
So far the programme has been carried out exclusively for leadership teams from particular organisations. Now a new format has been prepared that will be available to all who are interested in the topic. The programme for coaches will be intended only for the best students who have completed the previous programme lasting 96 hours.
The Dialogics coach programme is a specialist study in the scope of 350 hours.
The training course is based on experiential method. It is carried out in the form of workshops, as group work, exercises, problem-solving tasks, case study, role-playing, presentations, etc.
The methods personal growth experts use are above all discussion method and video material method as well as some basic explanation method. This way of studying enables students to assess the situation in their company or any other group and look for solutions to the problems they are faced with.
Methodological demonstration of the Dialogics training course for fixed groups within the same organisation (32 hours):
- Prior to the beginning of the training course, the coach – workshop leader meets each participant individually, assesses their personal intelligence and their personality traits. The participant’s wishes, goals and expectations are established according to their specific position in the working team.
For example: the position, goals and frustrations of a finance manager differ from those of a sales manager. - During the training course (workshop), each participant is monitored, led and motivated according to their individual personality, position in a team (financial manager is led in a different way than general manager or sales manager).
- Specific cases of management are prepared for each participant and practised as relating to their immediate subordinates.For example: a financial manager leads a head of accounts and practises how to change their inefficient behaviour into efficient one using a suitable leadership tool. Sales manager practises leading his subordinates who are different from their colleague’s.
- Individual feedback is prepared for each participant according to their own specific problems and their ability to put theory into practice.
- A sociogram is prepared for each participant (their position in a group, how they are viewed by other team members).
- By the end of the course, an individual assessment is prepared for each participant on the basis of a test. Each participant receives individual feedback on how to implement the theory into their everyday work.
Ways of working:
- Case studies
- Pair and group work
- Questionnaire work
- Individual work
The goals of the workshop:
- To recognise the participants’ potentials
- To encourage participants’ creativity and innovation
- To reduce stress when faced with changes
- To improve interpersonal relations
- To increase the ability to understand, motivate and lead co-workers
In a fixed group within an organisation:
- Your meetings become shorter
- Interpersonal relations are more pleasant
- The rules of communication in the group are explicit
- The atmosphere in the team is creative and innovative
- The focus is on finding solutions to the problems and not looking for culprits
- An efficient business approach for dealing with most demanding foreign partners is built
- You are able to compromise, look for common solutions and negotiate
- You are able to develop a healthy responsibility at work and in private life
- You master pragmatic psychology knowledge and can use it in practice
In a study group:
- You master management and self-management skills
- You implement self-realisation – you do what makes you happy and in this way achieve holistic personal excellence
- You are able to motivate yourself and others to reach goals
- zYou are able to develop a healthy responsibility at work and in private life
- You master pragmatic psychology knowledge and can use it in practice
You can watch programme presentation at:
First Slovenian MQ conference: Innovative Leadership, Ljubljana 2011
Fixed group courses can be arranged according to your requirements.